Tuesday, December 25, 2018


(Photo Credit: Other sources)
The birth of Christ which we celebrate at Christmas birthed peace, progress and joy to our world; this is well captioned in the hymn "joy to the world the lord
has come). We on this platform add our voice to that of the People's General Great Ogboru to wish all Deltans and all who resides therein a very joyous, blessed and peaceful Christmas Celebration and a prosperous 2019.

While we celebrate  this season, we must remember that Christ's birth brought freedom from the shackles of sin and reconciled man to his creator. Christ though a king made sacrifice by accepting to come to earth in the most uncommon and humble manner; he was born in a manger!!

One lesson which Christmas therefore teaches is a call to make sacrifice for the good of fellow man. In that regard, we call on all Deltans to be ready to make sacrifice as the election draws near, to join forces through our PVC to dethrone bad governance and mediocrity, which has be foisted on the State by a few Cabals for the past 20 years.

The task ahead is much. We owe a duty to out State to vote out Governor Okowa as he has under-performed and has not provided any iota of inspirational leadership worthy of re-election.

The Great Ogboru deserves a chance to prove his quest for a Greater Delta since 2003. The Great Ogboru is capacitated to root out the current style of leadership that has placed Delta in the bottom ladder of development.
Once more Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2019 ahead.

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