Sunday, December 9, 2018


As the 2019 general election draws near, supporters of the non-performing Governor Okowa wants Deltans to sacrifice good governance, improved economy, massive employment, qualitative education and health care, superb infrastructures etc on the altar of a rotational governorship position.
These supporters who are mostly politicians benefiting from this governments are more interested in keeping the governor simply because in their words, "it is the turn of Delta North".

They intend by this argument to intimidate, bully, blackmail and deny Deltans the free democratic choice to choose between Governor Okowa who has mismanaged the billions of allocations to the State in the past 4 years and Great Ogboru who would with compassion, use the resources of the State to build world-class educational and health care system, revive dead industries in the State, create massive jobs for the youths and cause an  improvement in the economy.

Should Deltans fall to the tricks and gimmicks of these guys, then Delta State would be further put on the reverse gear in terms of development, as considering the huge allocations to the State, what Okowa has done is not even up to 10% in terms of development.

Now, I need to state it clearly from the outset, that all Deltans including our brothers and sisters from Delta North are qualify to occupy the governorship seat at Asaba. However, Deltans are not simply going to hand it over to any zone on the basis of "it is our turn", Rather, a Senatorial District which seeks to retain that office MUST field its BEST and convince Deltans, that the candidate is not tribalistic and has the capacity to cause great development to all parts of Delta, so that she can be Great again.

The above criteria is simply the only criteria by which a Senatorial District can either get the office or retain same. This is understandably so, because the issue of "turn-by turn" or "rotational governorship" is not  in any law in Nigeria. The Supreme law of the land is the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the criteria to be elected as a governor is well spelt out in  sections 178 and 179 and the PLACE or SENATORIAL District that a candidate comes from is not part of the requirements.

This is the reason why all Deltans irrespective of where they come from can aspire to that office. Even Governor Okowa and others in 2007 also contested for the post of governor with Governor Uduaghan. Was it the turn of Delta North then? if he had won that time, would he have relinquished the victory because it is not the turn of "Delta North"?

I consequently most humbly submit that unemployment, poor health care and educational system, poverty, poorly constructed roads, misappropriation of Billions of the State, collapsed local government system and impoverishment of Deltans which Governor Okowa represents, DO NOT KNOW DELTA NORTH, DELTA SOUTH OR DELTA CENTRAL. When an insincere and incompetent person is occupying the seat as Governor, all Deltans suffer. Thus, with Governor Okowa, the harsh effect of unemployment, poorly constructed roads, delayed salaries for workers and pensioners is felt by all, regardless of senatorial district of origin.

Deltans deserve far better than Governor Okowa. Deltans must not fall for the tricks of politicians who are hiding under "rotational governorship" toga, with a view to perpetuating themselves and friends in power, so as to continue to loot the state dry, impoverish the masses, plunge the State and its future generations in debt; while they live in luxury and affluence with the common wealth of the State.

The man, woman, boy and girl from Delta North, Delta South and Delta Central deserves a better life anchored on good health care system, qualitative schools, superb road networks, bridges, flyovers, well-lit cities; an industrialized State that inspires influx of businesses and companies which would lead to massive jobs for the youths of the State. To achieve this, HIS OR HER BROTHER NEED NOT BE GOVERNOR!! what he need is a SINCERE, COMMITTED and COMPETENT GOVERNOR, who sees all Deltan as one people created by God and who must enjoy the good gifts of the huge resources he has blessed it with.

The GREAT OGBORU represents this at this moment. He is a man who is simply driven by a passion to leave a legacy of good governance, improve on the economy of the State, revive dead industries, create good jobs for the youths and cause great growth in the State. This is what he is bringing to the table.

The GREAT OGBORU's ambition to serve over the years is not founded on ethnic jingoism and kparakpoism. It is simply built on a passion to make a difference. the GREAT OGBORU project is a Delta Project! It is not an Urhobo project! The GREAT OGBORU is not tribalistic!! He intends to unify all Deltans for development and he would cause even and equal developments to all parts of the State. The Great Ogboru is a pan Deltan as he has links with all parts thus: Father: Urhobo (Delta Central), Mother: Ndokwa (Delta North), Wife: Ijaw (Delta South). You see? Even if you want to say it is the turn of Delta North..Ogboru is equally qualified!!

Please lets come out en masse and cast our vote for the Great Delta Project!! A vote for Great is a vote for a great Delta. Deltans must not reward the incompetence and insincerity of Governor Okowa with a second term, simply because he is an Ika man!!

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