Thursday, February 7, 2019

Mammoth Crowd Supports Ogboru to Liberate Delta State

Lawyer/Political Analyst Peter Ekavwo Esq., Speaks
The large turn out by the masses whenever and wherever the Great Ogboru and his campaign team visits is a testimonial of the genuine love
the masses of the State have for the man whom is rightly described by many as the 'People's General'.
Now it is true, that most political aspirants especially those who currently occupy government offices, dole out a lot of funds to rent the crowd that attend their rallies, the case is different with Great Ogboru. It would be a suicide mission for him to pay for that huge following and mammoth crowd, which includes the okada riders, keke riders, market women, Student groups and the low of society, who see in him a man that truly cares for them and who would lead the battle against the misrule and bad governance, which Okowa and his team has foisted on the State for the past years.
It is obvious that Deltans have rejected bad governance and mediocrity! It is obvious that the unemployed masses, helpless youths and women, ill-motivated civil servants etc, are not interested in the so-called zoning of political offices for POLITICIANS. They would not trade good and quality road networks, industrialization of the State, quality health care and motivated civil service for zoning and bad governance.
We thank the good people of our State, for turning en masse to make a statement, that Okowa and his team that have pauperized the State can no longer rig the elections and hold them hostage.
We are almost at liberation spot. The Great Ogboru is ready to lead the battle against bad governance in the State. We must queue behind him with our PVcs to punish Governor Okowa and his clique, so that the State can breath in a new fresh air of joy and peace.
God Bless the GREAT Delta State.

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